Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The New Rocksmith 2014 DLC System - DLC as Locked Songs in Your Song List

5 February 2014

Been playing just about every night until 1:30 or 2:00 and it’s killing me. Or at least making me very tired and possibly sick. I skipped Monday night in favor of getting more than 4 hours of sleep for a change. Tuesday I woke up – barely – sick as a dog and called into work. Stayed in bed the entire day except for dinner, and then I played for maybe an hour or so. Still got to bed by midnight which is early by recent standards.

The latest DLC is out (R.E.M.) and I noticed that they’ve started adding new DLC to our song list as locked songs. I see good and bad in this. More bad than good for players, though. On one hand, if you want to buy new DLC, you don’t have to hunt it down in the online store. Just click on it in the song list and you go straight to the buying page. Kind of handy. On the other hand, song lists will get much longer fast and include more songs that you might never want to buy. Now we’ll have to scroll through a bunch of stuff that we may not want. Plus, I’m guessing this new approach is taking up at least some additional memory on my console, and I definitely don’t like that.

Thanks to the new sorting feature in RS2014, navigating a growing song list is a little easier to work around. Just mark all the stuff you like or even think you might like as Favorites and then sort your song list on Favorites; everything that isn’t a Favorite will be grouped at one end of your song list. (Sorting on Owned songs would presumably group all the unpurchased DLC at one end of your song list or the other, but then you’d still have a bunch of “non-favorite” songs mixed in alphabetically with stuff you like.)
The easy answer would be to allow players to sort the song list on 2 or more criteria. Owned songs AND favorites, for example.

I really don’t want all the new DLC showing up in my song list as locked songs. If I want to buy DLC, I know where to go. There are some songs that came with the game that I’d like to delete, and there’s a bunch of DLC that I’ll never buy. This new arrangement will just add more “junk” to cull through to get to the songs I like.

On a more positive DLC-related note, I watched the R.E.M. DLC preview video and was very relieved to see that even the pros who play in those videos get some “Missed” notes! I really get angry with myself (or RS) when I get a “miss,” but clearly much better players than I miss some notes, too.


  1. I noticed that too. I sort by "Recommended", and suddenly it wasn't defaulting to the top of the list (the R.E.M. songs were prepended to the top of the list). I don't like the idea of a cluttered list either, but I won't totally hate it if all of the locked songs are grouped together.

  2. Also, I'm getting the impression that it's not good to be a "big fan" of a group that gets their DLC added. I'm a pretty big R.E.M. fan, and *hate* the song selection that they chose. I was looking forward to the release after they announced it, and was totally underwhelmed. I don't plan to buy it, although I may eventually pick up Kenneth or One I Love if I run out of other material (which I can't really imagine happening).

  3. Looks like the R.E.M. DLC in my LAS list got replaced by Kiss DLC (the latest release). I assume that today or tomorrow, it will be replaced by todays' DLC release (Rise Against?). It seems like they won't "build up" in the list - it will just be whatever the latest release is. I even scanned the list and didn't see R.E.M. anywhere, so it doesn't seem like it gets bumped to the bottom, or anything like that.

    1. Looks like you called that one, skydvr. Rise Against popped up after KISS. If this is how they plan to do it, I can handle it. Probably a good way to sell more DLC - which is fine by me as long as it doesn't get intrusive. The more they sell, the more new DLC we're likely to get. And that's a good thing.

    2. me request javanish song for download plece
