Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rocksmith is Totally Pissing Me Off Lately

Don't freak out - I still love it and I still play. But, dammit, I just played Event #40 and there's just no freaking way that this is working right.

Here's the situation:

The Set List (with qualifying scores for this event - all relatively new DLC)

Walk                                       (MQS = 24,900)
Dance Dance                          (MQS = 14,100)
Sugar We're Goin' Down       (MQS = 79,600)
The Best of You                     (MQS = 90,000)


The Velvet Club (that makes no difference at all - just figured I'd set the stage completely)

Minimum RSP

208,660 (not the first time I've played a couple of these)

I had played Sugar We're Goin' Down in Event 39; my MQS for Event 40 was 79,600. The Best of You was an encore in Event 39. It took me a handful of tries to qualify it for Event 40 because the MQS was maxed out at 90k. (See below.) The other two songs I qualified on the first play, so Event 40 was the second time I'd ever played three of the songs.

The event went pretty well. Here's what I recorded in my spreadsheets:

Event Location Velvet Club Notes
Date Played 2/25/2013 Unlocks:   
Song Score Guitar Gibson LP Studio
Walk - Combo 101820 Pedal  
Dance Dance - Combo 34653 Tone  
Sugar We're Goin' Down - Combo 85901 Tone  
The Best of You 106851 Tone  
Roxanne - SN 44971 MM Encore  
Minimum RSP 208600    
Event Score:  374196 Total Score to date: 22,170,967 RSP 

As you can see, I kicked ass on Walk, especially considering I'd only played it once before to qualify it for this event. (I plan to update my Easiest Rocksmith Songs very soon based on my new DLC.) Not bad on Best of You, either. Sugar We're Goin' Down has a little more going on and I had to do a little Riff Repeater work to get that one qualified. Dance Dance was another one and done qualifier - not quite sure what happened on the event, but I at least improved on my qualifying score of 32,014.

So What's the Problem?

That's what I'm saying. What's the freaking problem? I get 158% of the minimum required RSPs for the event, so I get my encore - which I damn sure deserved. But, what does RS throw at me for the encore?

A Master Mode arrangement that I've NEVER PLAYED BEFORE - EVER!

I've checked. I have no record in my notes of ever playing the single note arrangement of Roxanne, but RS shows this song as Mastered in my game save data. I never even mastered the combo arrangement which I HAVE played. So, how the hell is this song "Mastered?" And, how did it end up being a Master Mode Encore?

The only possible explanation I can think of might be that my son played the SN arrangement one night while we were playing multiplayer signed in on my XBox Live account. Or maybe I did. I don't always keep notes when we play multiplayer mode. But I sure as hell don't remember either of us mastering the arrangement (although it's damn easy).

Conclusion: RS's Double Encore Paradigm Just Sucks. Period.

I was already pissed off at RS going into Event 40 because of what happened on Event 39 - another huge rip-off where I didn't get the second encore. Check this out.

I had just bought 10 new DLC songs, and the event included 7 of them. A big set-list! But, because everything was new, the MQS were low and the minimum RSP total for the event was only 99,500. For 7 songs. That's an average MQS of about 12,000 per song. Here's what I actually scored in the event:

Event Location The Mouse Hole Notes
Date Played 2/19/2013 Unlocks:   
Song Score Guitar Vintage Gibson SG Junior
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Combo 45512 Pedal  
My Hero - Combo 67593 Tone  
Wheels - Combo 22515 Tone  
Sugar We're Goin' Down - Combo 57211 Tone  
Times Like These - Combo 51076    
I Don't Care - Combo 56615 Actual Event Score 417831
America's Suitehearts - Combo 40835    
The Best of You 76388    
Minimum RSP 99500    
Event Score:  417745 Total Score to date: 21,510,701 RSP

That's right - 343% of the required event minimum. AND, note what I scored on the first encore - 76,388. The first time I had EVER played that song, so probably close to 600% of the MQS on the first encore. What freaking score did I need to get the #$#&^!! second encore????

I don't give a damn about getting the last Secret Squirrel Song - The Star Spangled Banner. I've heard it's not that great, anyway. But, dammit, getting a second encore should be more predictable! Either that or the RS dev's should just come out and say that double encores are a completely random crap shoot - that it doesn't matter how well you play the event or the first encore. Because that's pretty much how it seems to work.


  1. Hey,
    I can't believe you are still playing events. I don't have SSB either, but i just decided that if i want it, i will have to create a new account and work on unlocking it.

    i thought that first encore was performance on the set. Second encore was percentage on the encore. But i haven't played an event in months.

    Have you been playing out at all?


    1. I've actually found that the event path gives me some direction but keeps me from banging away on a particular song until I'm totally frustrated. I've been able to work my way through lots of songs gradually and have generally gotten everything up to the 90-ish level. Which then makes it relatively easy for me to pick out a song or two or three and master them. In fact, I did this the other night - I should write a post about it. I had a few songs that I had gotten very close to mastering without trying to, so I just took an hour or so in riff repeater and knocked them out. Too easy! Plus, apparently RS will keep throwing events at you as long as you keep playing them. Since I haven't played a single master event yet, I'm sort of working toward that.

      I believe you are generally correct on the encores. The first one is awarded based on your performance relative to the minimum RSPs for the event - BUT, there doesn't seem to be a consistent standard. And, I believe the second is based partly on how well you play the encore song, but the dev's said months ago that this just earned you a 50/50 shot at a second encore.

      Haven't played the guitar in public for weeks. Played drums at an open mic night a few times, though.

    2. I have been playing a ton... we have rivals now and that is a huge motivator, especially against people you "know" online and for songs you don't like. I have a couple of tracks where i have just given up... they are both too hard and not songs i like.

      Have fun,

    3. Why don't you make your master event yourself? Just replace the songs the game gives you by master songs. I am only level 8 and I played my master event when I was level 7 (thanks to your list of easy RS songs). AND I got my first master encore which I rocked and which gave me my first second encore!!!!

    4. Yerba - That is too cool! I'm very happy to hear that my very unscientific list of easiest songs has helped you out!

      To be honest, I've been putting off a master event and trying like heck not to get any master mode encores. I did finally break down and master a few songs the other night that were very close to being mastered. But, I wish I hadn't done that. Now I'm sure they'll pop up as MM encores soon. I just haven't taken the time to memorize anything that well. I had God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen memorized last year and Surf Hell, but those are the only two I really nailed by memory. Maybe I should just knuckle down and do it, huh?

      Very impressive that you pulled off a master event AND got a double encore with a MM encore! My hat is off to you.

    5. Please, keep your hat on !!! I haven't told you which songs I was playing and I expressed myself poorly. As a matter of fact, I got my MM encore three events later, not during my home made MM event. That's what I was initially hoping for, play a MM encore at the MM event. But no, the game gave me a song I had never played before and not in MM of course. As to my MM home made playlist, well I had 5 songs ready to play in MM, which are Rebel, Rebel (chords - thanks to your list), Go with the Flow (combo - like for everybody else this was my first MM song), The Spider and the Fly (chords), Boys Don't Cry (single note)and Run Back to You Side (chords). So you see, all those songs are really easy to memorize. But I was taken a little off guard when the game gave me The Spider and The Fly as MM encore three events later, and thrilled when I made my best score with it.

      Since then, I have 2 other songs with the MM and I hope the game does not have the bad idea of giving me those for a concert. It would be a total desaster I think, like 5 or 6 points or so. And then there are some others where I have more than 100 000 points but not the MM. But if I work them to get the MM mode, I would never be able to play them in MM. Or maybe in 10 years or so.

      As far as the encore and double encore giving rule is concerned, I asked the question on the French forum where someone from Ubisoft gives sometimes answers to us desperate French players. So maybe I'll get an answer. I'll let you know if I do. It's a question that has been puzzling me as well. I am a little bit like you, I made myself nice Excel charts recording everything I do on each song and during the concerts. And I was very surprised by the way the game gives or does not give encores.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yerba's post:
    No answer from the Ubisoft guys, but there sure isn't any logic in the second encore business. Just played my first bass event and had a minimum of 6 400 points. And I got 173 774, 82 930 of which I got with my encore. And no second encore??? That makes more than 27 times the required minimum. :( Anyway, I do love this game. :) Thanks for updating your unscientific list.

    Had to remove and repost, Yerba. Sorry 'bout that.
